MINNDEPENDENT Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Mini-Grant Program

MINNDEPENDENT launched its Science and Mathematics Initiative during the 2005-06 school year. The program matured quickly during the first five years, and in 2009 was transformed to include a new STEM Mini-Grant Program that supports curriculum development for its member schools.

The purpose of the MINNDEPENDENT STEM Initiative is to strengthen and enhance the teaching of STEM subjects at MINNDEPENDENT member schools. The Program is intended to support the development of new curriculum for hands-on student engagement projects in STEM for middle and high schools (grades 4-12) and the teacher professional development needed to implement this curriculum. The program also supports the acquisition of certain classroom resources and materials required for the new curriculum. 

Last year, we were delighted to present the very first STEM Mini-Grant awards, and at this yearäó»s Minnesota Private and Independent Education Awards held on May 5, 2011 MINNDEPENDENT gave out 15 STEM mini-grants to the following schools:

  • Al-Amal School in Fridley
    Creating a Schoolyard Wildlife and Pond Habitat with Weather Station
  • Central Minnesota Christian School in Prinsburg
    FOSS Hands-On Science and Night of Science Community Event
  • Community Christian Middle School in Willmar
    Keeping Our Pond Water Quality Investigation
  • Cotter Jr. High School in Winona
    Modeling Renewable Energy Sources
  • Gethsemane Lutheran School in Maplewood
    Bridging the St. Croix: The Stillwater Bridge Project
  • Hillcrest Lutheran Academy in Fergus Falls
    Modeling Physics
  • Maranatha Christian Academy in Brooklyn Park
    Rocketry: Blast-off to Success
  • Mayer Lutheran High School in Mayer
    Simple Machines!? Not Really!
  • Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis
    STEM Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • St. Croix Lutheran High School in West St. Paul
    Indoor Aquatic Ecosystem
  • St. Francis-St. James United School in St. Paul
    From Greenhouses to Growing Green Plants
  • St. Markäó»s School in St. Paul
    Growing STEMs of Creativity
  • St. Pascal Baylon School in St. Paul
    T.E.A.M. (Together Exploring About Math)
  • St. Paul Preparatory School in St. Paul
    Robot Design: From Concept to Construction
  • Southwest Minnesota Christian High School in Edgerton
    Whatäó»s so äóìfishyäó about the Redwood River? And, why is it so important?