Jim Field’s Blog
A Tribute to Brother Michael Collins
January 8, 2012
All of us connected to the Minnesota Independent School Forum honor the recent passing of Br. Michael Collins, President of DeLaSalle High School. Br. Michael was a great teacher, promoter and defender of education for all children. He is a man who made a difference in the lives of countless young people from all walks of life. He instilled in all of us the responsibility to speak up for what we believe and to take responsibility for our growth. Let me share a story he frequently told:
It was around 1943. Br. Michael was a new kindergarten student at Ascension Catholic School in North Minneapolis. His mother took him out to the sidewalk in front of their apartment building and walked him to school. The next day she took him out to the sidewalk again, but this time said to him, äóìMichael, you now have to walk to school on your own. You have to take responsibility for your own education.äó
This was a lesson Br. Michael learned well, and when he joined DeLaSalle High School he taught it there. As a result, the school became a school that treats its students with that same self-honor and responsibility. You feel it when you enter the school and you see it in the accomplishments of every student.
The ideals and power of education have been advanced because of Br. Michael Collins. We at MINNDEPENDENT honor and remember this remarkable man äóî may his legacy live on!
Read more about Br. Michaeläó»s accomplishments by visiting DeLaSalleäó»s web site.
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