AdmWkshp-08 103113 TestimonialPhoto

“MINNDEPENDENT workshops provide you with the nuts and bolts to build your program – whether it’s a technology program, development program, or recruiting program. There is no wasted time. You’re going to accomplish more by attending an MINNDEPENDENT workshop for two hours than sitting in your office wondering what’s the next step for those same two hours.” ~ Camille Kiolbasa, Development Director, St. Croix Catholic School (2014 MINNDEPENDENT Workshops participant)

“MINNDEPENDENT is a wonderful information source that is able to connect our staff with expert professionals. This wealth of knowledge and experience from outside sources provides a smorgasbord of ‘best practices.’ By providing our school with this service, it saves us time and energy so that we can take the information that we can best use and immediately put it to work for us.” ~ Marge Thiesse, Director of Development & Recruitment, Martin Luther High School (2013 Admissions/Mktg Workshop participant)